We are Glad You're Here!
We are Glad You're Here!
Welcome, Mitchell Walle ~ Guest Speaker!
Mitchell is a passionate lover of God dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of Heaven wherever he goes! Having been raised in a God-fearing family, Mitchell grew into a sincere honor and belief in God but had never personally encountered the manifest presence of Jesus. During his time in college, as he was pursuing a career as a classical pianist, he started attending an off-campus church moving in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
During one of the evening services, the presence of God powerfully touched Mitchell. He had a vision of God with a passionate, fiery love emanating from Him. Waves of God's joy, pleasure, and peace washed over him as his eyes opened to see Jesus clearly and experience the love Jesus had for him. It was this encounter with the love of Jesus where he knew God was calling him to preach the Gospel.
In 2018, Mitchell moved to Vancouver, Washington, where he later birthed the ministry Revealing Jesus. Revealing Jesus was birthed out of a passion to continue seeing the glory of Jesus touch the nations and reap the harvest through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Michell lives on a mission to preach good news to the poor, reach the next generation with the miracle power of God, and equip the church in their identity and authority. He currently travels nationally and internationally carrying the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the earth.
Welcome back, Sam Hooker!
I grew up in St. Louis Missouri in a fantastic Christian family. At 18yrs old I went to a three-year ministry school in California. After finishing, I spent the next 7 years serving in various churches and ministries-including Portland, Oregon.
I am very passionate to see believers encouraged, built up, set free and equipped to advance the kingdom of God wherever they are at in their daily lives. I have given my life to one thing; growing in my relationship with Jesus and making him known to others.
I can’t wait to spend time with you all! I’ve been praying for you and believe God is doing something beautiful in Lebanon, Oregon and I am so grateful to see it!
For Job Description & Application Process
Click the .pdf below:
Job Opening:
Lebanon Mennonite Church (LMC) – Lead Pastor Position
Lebanon Mennonite Church, located in Lebanon, Oregon, is currently not a member
of a conference and is seeking a new full-time pastor due to the planned retirement
of our current pastor.
Weekly Service Times:
Sunday Morning Service:
Coffee & Doughnuts: 9:30 am
Adult Sunday School Class: 9:30 am-10:15 am
Worship Service: 10:30 am
Children's Church: 10:45 am
Wednesday Evening Service:
First Wednesday of each month.
Join us for a light meal
and a message.
Meal: 6:00 pm
Message & Worship: 6:30 pm
Contact Information
Physical Address
2100 South 2nd Street
Lebanon, Oregon 97355
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 575
Lebanon Oregon 97355
Secretary Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Church Office Hours
By Appointment with the Elders
*Lebanon Mennonite Church is not affiliated with, or a member of,
the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference or
Mennonite Church USA.